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Anna Maria Proppe

17. December 1965

Exceutive MBA


Address: 4307 Sandnes, Norway


Tel: +47 967 265 39

Professional info

Business Process Management, Project Management, Change Management, Consultation - all in a good days work. The Icelandic market is a rather small one. Icelanders are only 320.000 and around 100.000 live in the capital region. This usually means that job requirements are very versatile and you get insight into various niches. My love of learning and tackling new things has also lead me to even more versatility.


Since 1994 I have taught various computer courses alongside other jobs - this has held me up to date in changes occurring as in Microsoft Office through the years. I am an avid PC user but I am also fully capable on a Mac. I love having versatile projects and a hectic day, working within a group or on my own. 


​Icelandic - native

English - fluent

Norwegian -  fluent

Danish - good

Work experience

Technical Course Developer - National Oilwell Varco, Norway

​July 2014 - June 2015

Working with instructors in the Training Department of NOV.

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Teacher - Goa Skole, Randaberg Kommune, Norway

January 2014 - June 2014


Business Process Improvement

Change Management


Microsoft Office super user

New Business Development

Project Management

Strategic Planning

Teaching & Training

Norwegian godkjenning

2010 - present

Teaching arts and crafts grades 5 - 9.

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Substitue - Sandnes Kommune, Norway

2011 - 2013

2010 - present

Working with children in daycare centers, teaching and assisting in 1st class.

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Teacher - Fellaskóli, Reykjavik

2010 - 2011

Responsible for a ninth grade group and teaching Icelandic in grades eight to ten.

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Consultant - Epco, Reykjavik

2008 - 2011

Various consultation and teaching projects.

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Consultant - Fulltingi, law firm

2005 - 2008

Implementation, analysis, recrutement and more.

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Consultant - National Energy Authority 

2004 - 2005

Job analysis, implementation and process manual.

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Managing Director - Heimili og skóli 

2003 - 2004

Daily managment of the entity, consultation to parents and more.

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Manager - Intrum Iceland 

2001 - 2003

Management and process improvement of the service department.

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Manager - Hugvit, IT company

1998 - 2001 

Building infrastructure and management of the teaching department.

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Manager - TAL, mobile company 

1997 - 1998

The company was built by a team of Americans and I was the 2nd employee to be recruited. The projects were as diverse as they were many. From managing the IT structure the first few months to management of the recording of the Voice Mail system and building the infrastructure in the office environment.

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Teacher - VTN, Business and IT school 

1994 - 1997

It started as teaching courses alongside my studies. I managed the courses and teacher availability over the first summer and the following autumn there was a merger. The new school taught mainly 4 different 9 month courses to enable students to become administrative assets with computer know how.

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MA European Studies - Bifrost Business School

2004 - 2008

All about the EU cooperation and the EFTA aggreement.

I have yet to finish my thesis which is 30 ECTS of 210 ECTS, I am still looking for a great topic!

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Executive MBA - University of Iceland

2000 - 2002

After working in business for nearly 6 years an MBA degree was a perfect addition.

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B.ed - Iceland University of Education

1992 - 1995

I applied on the so called 25 year rule, which states that if you have filled 25 years but do not have a Collage degree you have a possability of being accepted. Of 120 seats that year, 10 where accepted after interviews on the basis of this rule.

I majored in Arts and my thesis, education material in art studies was nominated for reward.

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Information Technology - Reykjavík Technical College

1990 - 1992

Here I learned the basis of how computers work, electricity, programing and how to work with the predecessors of MS Office.

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