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Fellaskóli - Multinational School in Reykjavik

2011 - 2012

Having a B.ed. is a good degree to fall back on. In the depression in Iceland, business jobs and projects were hard to find, so after almost three years of digging up projects, I decided to use my teaching skills and work with a wonderfull group of teenagers. 

Contact teacher


I was responsible for a group of ninth graders, 14 to be exact, with multiple ethnic backgrounds. A wonderfull group, many strugling to get to grips with the Icelandic language. This meant that each had their own agenda in regards to their capabilities.

Teaching Icelandic


I jumped into the deep end, my first year of teaching in elementary school and I took on teaching Icelandic, the only Icelandic teacher for the whole of the teenage level. I was given a nearly blank slate and those who had taught before me where no longer teaching at the school.


Icelandic study material consists of litrature including poetry, grammar, writing, spelling, presentation and articulation. Each grade takes on one of the Icelandic saga as well as a reading other litrature and learning about movements in the litarary world. Weaving in creative writing, use of computers and software and tackaling grammar and spelling was part of the daily routine. 





My computer skills came to good use, teaching teenagers to put together a school paper. The various groups put together all kinds of articles about various events, information, pictures and some humour in the Microsoft Publisher software. 


The publication was distributed in classes 8 - 10, and gave the participants insight into new software, use of text and pictures and the plight to find interseting things to publish, like an account of the Elementry Schools Dance competition seen on the left.

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