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Fulltingi - law firm

2005 - 2008

This company developed into 3 different entities. I came in as a Consultant to assisst in the further implementation of the GoPro Case Management system. I also lead the assimilation of a newly bought company, managed the transfer of both, twice,  to a new loacation and various other projects related to all 3 firms.



  • Analysis of processes 

  • Redesign of processes

  • Implementation of new work processes

  • Continual improvement of processes

  • Planing of new physical archive system in conection with software system

  • Contact person for computer systems

  • Student marketing for new hires

  • Responsible for recruitment

  • Inner marketing

  • Managed transfer and new locations of employees

  • Lead major redesign of kitchen facilities

  • Lead analysis and implementation of new IT phone system



  • Managed transfer and assimilation of a newly bought company

  • ​Change management adaption of employees

  • Managed transfer of people, phone lines and computer lines.

  • Responsible for recruitment

  • Managed marketing events



  • Implementation of GoPro Case Management system

  • ​Lead new name and logo workgroup

  • Lead redisign of website

  • ​Lead redisign of office supplies


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