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Sandnes Kommune

2012 - present

I have been working as a substitute for Sandnes municipality. From October 2012 until January 2013 I worked mainly at Varatun Day Care. January until June I worked as a substitute at Sørbø School. I am currently listed as a "ringevikar" or substitute, on call at various Day Care Centers, also I am teaching art to grades 8 - 10, 4 days a week.

Sørbø School - 01.13 - 06.13


I heard the school was in need of extra teachers and sent them my resume, with success. I started by taking on the 7th grade for one day and then went on to assist in the 1st grade.


There I worked mainly with one student, but also took over the whole or half the class when needed. I took on English classes, prepared material for varous subjects and taught art. 


I had a lot of fun with the art classes as I Majored in art at teaching university in Icleand. I decided to work with the renowned Norwegian artist Monk and students prepared their own version of the famous Scream. Later we made large birds for an on-coming play in conection with the work of artist Paul Klee.

Varatun Day Care - 10.12 - 01.13


I have been very lucky to be able to work as a substitute at the same Day Care Center, accross the road where I live,  with the exception of one day. 


I have worked in 9 different sections with ages ranging from nine months to six years old. I learned a great deal working with such a broad age range, gaining insight into the daily enlightenment of children discovering new things and learning constantly. 


My grasp of the norwegian had it's baby steps in Varatun. Singing with the children, reading for them, asking, listening and learning.

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