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Viðskipta og tölvuskóli Nýherja - VTN

1994 - 1997



Responsible for most of the computer classes in 9 month long diploma studies. Took part in sales, planning of courses and material. The school went through several mergers the last 1996. It's history is traced in an article in Morgunbladid.  The School was shut down in 2003. 



I started teaching the year before I graduated from Teacher University. The sumer of 1995 I was responsible for the setup of courses and material alongside teaching the predesessors of Microsoft Office as well as Lotus Notes programs. Autumn 1995 the school is merged with another and 9 month long courses mostly take over. 


Business School


The School had four different programs; Secriterial; Marketing and Sales; Finance and Business; Comprehensive Computer Training. The students learned to use Windows efficiently as well as Word, Excel and Access. 


Various onsite courses

At this moment in time every company was computerizing their establishment and the staff needed to learn how to use the programs to add value and minimize the workload. Efficiency was the key word.

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